Zh GoogleMap, you can select TravelMode in find and autocomplete features, and set what info will be in InfoWin

Hi. New features: - you can select TravelMode if you set "Draw route from search point to place" or "Show direction (Places Library)". I.e. if you set to show route to place throught find control or by autocomplete field, you can select travel mode from drop down list - you can set what info will be displayed in infoWin, Title, Title and Description, Description, None. Before that I show Title and Description (if filled). And as title are required, you can always get title in infowin. Today you can control this. Go to placemark detail page and set InfoWin Content field PS. In future release I plan: case you activate places with autocomplete field and find control - today: you have 2 fields with the same functionality (find place and…
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Zh GoogleMap component, you can search by geocoding with text address and can set zoom when clicking marker

Hi. I've added new control - text field and button "Find". You can show this control to search place by geocoding, and can draw route to you place. It is the same like you can use feature to use places autocomplete field. In current version, route is drawing by google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING. In next time I'll add ability to select travel mode. The second feature - you can set in placemark detail zoom, that can be set when you click the marker (addtion field - Zoom by Click) PS tonight I can't get into myPHPAdmin, and therefore I can not install new version into demosite. And I've checked installation only in other site, but not in demo. Sorry, I think it will be OK, and you are not get an any errors.
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Zh GoogleMap, new version

Hi. Today I've changed code in plugin for supporting all features of component. Now Places Library and Panoramio Library works in plugin. And you can set placemark by text address (not only by lat|lng). But code seriously changed, therefore if you get an error or features not working like it was yesterday - please contact me immediatly. And I've revised code in component alittle. Thanks, Dmitry    
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Zh GoogleMap, you can use Panoramio Library

Hi. New feature added - using Panoramio library. Go to "Panoramio Library" slider on map tab. Set enable by Enable using Panoramio = Yes You can add filter control to map, and it's position. And you can specify preset restriction on data by settin "Panoramio Tag" or|and "Panoramio UserID" tag - A panoramio tag used to filter the photos which are displayed. Only photos which have been tagged with the supplied string will be shown. userId - A Panoramio user ID. If provided, only photos by this user will be displayed on the map. If both a tag and user ID are provided, the tag will take precedence.
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Zh Google Map, you can create marker by specify it’s address

Hi. New release. Changes (1.4.2 - 2.0.1) * now you can create marker by specify it's address - new field(using geocoding). * fixed bugs with tooltip of markers in front- and backend. You can remember, than geocoding consume time (if you have lot's of markers). In backend (admin), you can find your place by autocomplete field. I added new filed for text address, and lat and lng is not required now. If you specify address and save (lat lng is empty), marker change position to new, and if you move it by mouse - lat and lng is filled. If you specify lat and lng - I use it. If you specify address and NOT specify lat lng - I use it. In all other cases I ignore marker. I've…
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