Zh GoogleMap component, add Places API support

Hi. I've done new features inplementation: now you can use Places API. 1 - go to "Map" tab an open "Places Library" 2 - set "Enable using Places" to yes 3 - fill (if you want, it is optional) Places Types in single or double quotes Example: 'restaurant', 'store' 4 - set radius (in meters) !!! Places API show only up to 20 places !!! therefore set appropriate radius If you don't want to see placemark from Places API, and only use autocomplete field, then set radius = 0 5 - if you want to show and use autocomplete field, set "Show Autocomplete field" to yes
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Zh GoogleMap plugin v.1.3.1

Changes * update to component state: * you can use MarkerManager functionality to show|hide markers depend on zoom * you can use Google Earth feature * change markerclusterer to improve perfomance * change script loading sequence * show header and footer text * alert when does not found map or marker
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