Zh OpenStreetMap, import placemarks is done

Hi I added buttons to import placemarks from Zh GoogleMap and Zh YandexMap. I import placemarks from map (Source Map = Google or Yandex) to map (Destination Map = OSM) In window just start enter map title to select it. PS autocomplete feature allow you to select map, but if you continue enter letters or remove text, or change map title to incorrect - the "internal id" will not be changed. I will fix it in future - it is not main thing to stop continue development other features, just enter correct data if you wish correct import ;P Cheers, Dmitry
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Zh OpenStreetMap, new features – table view and detail view

Hi. I implemented table view and detail view. Look at demo Detail view Placemark details Placemark details with image gallery Table view Placemark list table click on "Budapest" placemark to see placemark details (from table view to detail view) In next release I'll enable toolbar button to go from placemark infowin to detail view of placemark. Placemark field "Placemark full description", which you can display in Detail View is also process third party content plugin. Cheers, Dmitry PS: have a nice weekend ;P  
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Zh OpenStreetMap, icon files is supported

Hi. Added support icon files for placemarks. You should set "Marker" in "Appearing properties" to "Icon file: simple". Fixed bug for appearing map type control for only one map type. In map properties in "Map controls" you can - set map type control position - added ability to hide only one base type in map type control ("Hide Single Base Layer in Map Type Control" property)   As for "Hide Single Base Layer in Map Type Control", example. You have one base layer, for example, OSM. And added overlay. If you not enable "Hide Single Base Layer in Map Type Control" to Yes, in map type control you can see OSM and checkbox for overlay layer. If you'll enable it, you would see only checkbox for overlay layer.   Overriding…
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Zh OpenStreetMap, documentation – import data

Hi. I just started to create documentation for OpenStreetMap extension. And first of all I added little explanation with example how will work "Import Data" https://wiki.zhuk.cc/index.php/Zh_OpenStreetMap_Utils Now you can import only groups, but on next week I'll add ability to create placemarks with custom icons and come back to development import - to do import placemarks. I didn't do import placemarks yet because I need to support ability to create correct placemark with its icons before, because if you import data and not get correct map - you'll ask me about that ;P But for groups - you can test how it will be. Cheers, Dmitry  
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Zh OpenStreetMap, new feature – import data

Hi. In this release I started implementation of import data from my other extensions (Zh GoogleMap and Zh YandexMap). Today I did release for your tests to understand what it will process data. In admin panel added new menu item Utilities; this page will contain buttons to do different actions. Today evening or tomorrow I'll add into wiki some explainations. Now you can do check last log try to import data for Placemark Groups When you import data you can get some errors or warnings. For this case you can see last log. It saved in database, and can be overridden by next import task, but you have ability to print this log For example, you can get warning by this case: I import groups with it's category belonging. Categories…
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Zh OpenStreetMap, marker cluster is supported

Hi. Added placemark clusterer feature. It also supports placemark spiderfying. In map details there are new fields (if you will compare with Zh GoogleMap) - Place clustered placemarks on a spiral - it is like in google's extension, but it is only in cluster feature - Zoom on cluster click - when you click on cluster - map zoom changed to show markers in cluster - Show cluster coverage- on hovering cluster you can see its bounds You can also create clusters belonging different groups. In future it will support icon overriding by group, like in demo https://joomla.zhuk.cc/index.php/zhgooglemap-main/gm-demo/gm-main/gm-main-map-with-different-clusters
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Zh OpenStreetMap, now you can create different map objects and use Ground Overlays, translation enabled

Hi. I added translation ability, most of text translated from Zh GoogleMap extension. If you want to translate - just join to Zh OpenStreetMap translation project. https://www.transifex.com/dmitryzhuk/zh-openstreetmap/dashboard/ There was also enabled paths feature. Now you can create lines, polygons and circles. https://joomla.zhuk.cc/index.php/zhosmmap-main/om-demo/om-main/om-main-map-with-objects You can also use Groun Overlays (image overlay), it is on special tab in path details. https://joomla.zhuk.cc/index.php/zhosmmap-main/om-demo/om-features/om-feature-ground-overlay In future I'll add video overlay too. But it is not first task to do.
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