Zh OpenStreetMap, added ajax features for J4 release

Hi I added dynamically loading map objects or popup content. It works as in J3. I noticed, that ajax loading is not works for File layers (KML/GPX and so on), it didn't implemented in J3. I hope in nearest month or two I will implement this feature and rewrite behavior for popup and hover text for this layers (not only from file, but also as it is done for simple lines, circles ...) I also rewrite all parts of extension to reuse my code (as it was done in J3)
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Zh OpenStreetMap, new menu item for J4

Hi I ported placemark details menu item, therefore you can create details menu item and also can use "Details" button in placemark popup toolbar. I change using bootstrap to it last version for displaying image gallery in detail view. I also did little fixes (removed J3 calls) in some files.
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Zh OpenStreetMap, code review

Hi I change my extension to load some libraries from unpkg.com There is list of it:* Leaflet* MarkerCluster* Elevation In this case I can more easily use it without including in extension. Next step - remove it from extension if there is no any problem.
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Zh OpenStreetMap, bugfixes for migration J3 to J4

Hi I added 2 SQL files for case you do migration on existing J3 version of extension (version of extension 7.*) to J4 version (version of extension 8.*) It migrate not required columns (params) and datetime columns and update data to correct values. And you will not get error "Field 'params' doesn't have a default value" Get last release in extension manager or from JED Cheers,Dmitry
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Zh Maps, support Joomla! 4

Extensions, Joomla!
Hi there. If you expect my extensions in Joomla! 4 release and want support my developments (and more quick development) and be first testers - welcome. Just mail me: ZhukDL@gmail.com I will email link to temporary developments. You must not use it in product site.Just check that it works, and there are no any style problem with your template. I started from Zh GoogleMaps. Today I did first step - create correct version for dashboard. In a few days I want to add full admin panel (or part of it) support for all my objects. It depends how easy I need to change it. Because in result all extension will be totally reviewed and rewritten. I can develop extensions by parallel style, but I need more tests due to styles.…
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