Hi there.
If you expect my extensions in Joomla! 4 release and want support my developments (and more quick development) and be first testers – welcome.
Just mail me: ZhukDL@gmail.com
I will email link to temporary developments. You must not use it in product site.
Just check that it works, and there are no any style problem with your template.
I started from Zh GoogleMaps.
Today I did first step – create correct version for dashboard.

In a few days I want to add full admin panel (or part of it) support for all my objects. It depends how easy I need to change it.
Because in result all extension will be totally reviewed and rewritten.
I can develop extensions by parallel style, but I need more tests due to styles.
I used templates and image gallery that is not be supported in J4, due to they stopped (https://www.joomlashine.com/) its developments.
And I don’t check any other extension/template developers yet (I haven’t enough time to analyse it, which of it best ;)).
Cheers, Dmitry