Zh GoogleMap, fixing – not create extra data

Hi. I've change some logic in creation infowin content. It was not noticeable. When you create placemark, and set there is no infowin content, I created infowin content, but not to show it. Today I fixed it, if you create simple placemark (or path) without infowin content - I'll not create this content. PS I miss situation, then you are not show title, description, but show additional HTML text. I'll fix it in near 1-2 hours.
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Zh GoogleMap, global modifications

Hi. I've updated all my google's extensions. The main changes - changed restrictions for placemarks displaying displayed only published placemarks with no group displayed only published placemarks with published groups displayed placemarks with enabled entering placemarks by frontend, and restricted by admin settings For direction service added section for catching errors (faults), and displaying errors
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Zh GoogleMap component, changed interface to draw path

Hi. I change interface to draw paths. Now you: for new paths, or if you have empty Path field, there  is a drawing tool, when you finish draw polyline, the result will be put into Path field. If you change line (edit), click on map, and Path field will be changed for exists path - the polyline will be shown (without drawing tool), and you can change shape. After edit - click on map, and changes will be put into Path field the ability to manual change coordinate is still exists, and if you click on map - marker will moved to point of click, and current coordinates field will be changed You can get last version by Extension Manager only, because if you have problems on weekend - you…
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Zh GoogleMap component and module, new features – routes from/to placemarks, Czech (Czech Republic) translation

Hi. New features added: * you can set placemark as a start and end point of route (toolbar buttons in infowin) If you enable draw route in map properties, the 2 buttons appears in infowin, on bottom * you can show street view in a infowin by pressing toolbar button. To enable it - configure 'Street View in InfoWin' and the other fields in placemark details * added Czech (Czech Republic) translation for site and admin   As for routes to placemark: click in toolbar as a destination point. In find section near find field will be shown B (A) letter, and above will be shown A (B) letter with placemark title. You can click on letters to switch direction (from/to) Enter text address into search field and press "Get…
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Zh GoogleMap, new features: polygons, infowin text for paths and polygons

Hi I've added new features: * you can create polygons (areas) - go to Paths tab, and create a polyline but set field "Object Type" to "Polygon", and after that this line will transform to polygon, because there is no difference for drawing polyline and creating polygon. For polygon added 2 fields - Fill Polygon Color and Fill Polygon Opacity * and you can add text for polylines and polygons - there are new fields - Action By Click and InfoWin Content, Addition HTML Text. It is like done in placemarks - you can set what content will be in InfoWin, and enable showing InfoWin by click.
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