Zh GoogleMap, you can show new buttons in infowin: contact, article and details

Hi there Tonight I did new release of component, plugin and module. New features - in Advanced tab of placemark details: * you can enable for placemark infowin new buttons in toolbar ** the Contact button - if you enable contact integration on map, and set contact to your placemark, now you can go to contact page. By default, I'll call "standard" contact view. But you can enter the URL to your contact page, and I'll use this URL for call ** the Article button. You can assign article to your placemark, and I'll show button and call this article. If you want to alter the article URL, you can enter yours (did like for Contact) ** the Placemark Details button. You can go to placemark details (like it is…
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Zh GoogleMap, you can manage layers by new buttons, little bugfixes

Hi. I've done new release with features: - you can manage layers, ie -- traffic layer you can not only simple show, but display button and show it by button -- the same for transition layer, bicycle layer and panoramio layer Look at new demo for it - press button to show/hide layer http://joomla.zhuk.cc/index.php/zhgooglemap-demo-layer-switchers - today all utility libraries (clusterer, marker with labels, infobubble and etc) loaded from component Little bugfixes (you can't show panoramio without filter fields) I done new demo for Elevation profile for KML file http://joomla.zhuk.cc/index.php/zhgooglemap-demo-feature-elevation-kml and add tutorial for that http://wiki.zhuk.cc/index.php?title=Zh_GoogleMap_ElevationForKML
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Zh GoogleMap, you can restrict geocoding and places autocomplete field by region (country)

Hi there I've done new release * refreshed translation * in admin panel when you set map bounds (restrict navigation from definite bounds), now I show this bounds on map (in map details tab) * added new field "Search region" - Open map details->Map Controls->Map Find Control (geocoding), now you can restrict geocoding by region (see Google's docs https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/basics#Region). Now you can control how find button will work. * added new field "Search country" - Open map details->Places library, now you can restrict autocomplete suggestion by country (see Google's docs https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference#ComponentRestrictions)
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Zh YandexMap, you can fill polygons or circles by your image

Всем привет. Добавил возможность заливки полигонов и окружностей своим изображением. Для этого указывается в Путях URL фоновогоо изображения. Пока используется признак stretch для заливки, т.е. изображение растягивается. Позднее добавлю еще доп. параметр для изменения стиля заливки
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Zh GoogleMap, new features

Hi there. I added some new fields for configuring map In component details. Open tab Route (or slider, depends on joomla version) I added three items * Unit System * Avoid Highways * Avoid Tolls You can set it, and it will be used in route building In this release I added in placemark details new field "Placemark Full Description" And it can be displayed in placemark detail view (menu item) by setting new parameter. And like this setting I added in placemark list view (menu item). And the second parameter I added into placemark detail and list view - hide Addition HTML text. Explainations: you can add some text into Addition HTML field, and I display it in placemark infowindow. But you can show this placemark by menu item…
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Zh YandexMap, little changes

Всем привет. Внесены небольшие изменения в компонент, модуль и плагин. Основные изменения - для ввода меток пользователями со стороны FrontEnd теперь в настройках карты можно отключить вывод принадлежности меток группе и категории В конфигурации добавлены языки, которые определены для перевода (с использованием платформы Transifex) и при наличии перевода будут, соответственно, выводиться.
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Zh YandexMap, tutorial for horizontal placemark group list changed

Всем привет. Я исправил "урок" по настройки списка групп для вывода в горизонтальном виде. Тот урок (предыдущий вариант) был для старой структуры списка групп. Теперь список групп имеет новую структуру, соответственно, и стили должны быть другие.
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