Zh YandexMap, plugin is supported API v2, bugfixes for module and component

Всем привет. Наконец-то немного уделил время доработке плагина в плане поддержки АПИ версии 2. Теперь вся линейка расширений поддерживает эту версию АПИ. PS при доработке плагина обнаружил, что ранее работающий код по выводу на экран и убирание с экрана списка меток перестал работать. Пришлось слегка модифицировать код.
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Zh GoogleMap, Marker Manager doesn’t work – there will be a “bugfix”

Hi. If you use Marker Manager - show/hide placemarks depend on zoom - you can noticed, that it stopped worked. The problem is: for current version, and version 3.10 of GoogleMaps API it stopped. You can check this link for google's example page http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/tags/markermanager/1.0/ But if "switch" to version 3.9 - it still working. I decided to add new component parameter - VERSION of MAP API - if you fill this field - I'll add this version into Maps API loading string - if you skip (or set to blank) - I'll skip definition for map API version in loading string (in URL) I mean this https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/basics#Versioning And new version with this feature will be today or tomorrow. If you need it as quick as possible, post me - I'll…
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Zh GoogleMap plugin, new features for lightbox

Hi there ;) As you know, I added parameters to component (zoom, MapCenterPlacemarkId, MapCenterPlacemarkAction) - ie if you call component (create a menu item), there are 3 parameters - new map zoom, placemark id for new map center, and action for this placemark (you can highlight it by set animation (bounce), change icon (define new icon name), and execute 'click' on this placemark to execute predefined action for this placemark. Now, plugin supports this features Check my docs http://wiki.zhuk.cc/index.php?title=Zh_GoogleMap_Plugin#Show_Map_in_Lightbox This is full call {zhgooglemap-lightbox:MMM;Title;Width;Height;Image;PlacemarkList;Zoom;Center;Action} The last 3 parameters - it is new one
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