Zh YandexMap, little changes

Всем привет. Внесены небольшие изменения в компонент, модуль и плагин. Основные изменения - для ввода меток пользователями со стороны FrontEnd теперь в настройках карты можно отключить вывод принадлежности меток группе и категории В конфигурации добавлены языки, которые определены для перевода (с использованием платформы Transifex) и при наличии перевода будут, соответственно, выводиться.
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Zh GoogleMap component for j!2.5, new features – placemark list and placemark details menu item

Hi there I've done j2.5 downgrade for http://zhuk.cc/2013/10/21/zh-googlemap-component-for-j3-new-features-placemark-list-and-placemark-details-menu-item/ All works fine. As for bootstrap loading - look at menu item - there is a parameter "Load Bootstrap" For j.2.5 it is by default to load all. But if you template loads bootstrap, set it to no. Cheers. In a week I have plans to start creating video tutorials. Keep in touch :) Dmitry
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Zh GoogleMap component for j!3, new features – placemark list and placemark details menu item

Hi Today I finally decided to do new release for j!3 component New features 1 - two new menu item types 1.1 - Placemark List - you can build your placemark list, define, what columns will appear in filter, in grid. - you can select your placemarks from different maps (don't set definite map, set only groups, or categories and etc - as you do in map menu item) - you can control load or not bootstrap CSS (I use bootstrap styles, and if your template doesn't load bootstrap - the menu item parameter can support it) - you can fix navigation bar (with filter, and limit control) on top of the page 1.2 - Placemark Details - you can show placemark details information (title, description, thumbnail, image galery (built…
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Zh GoogleMap component, added buffering for ajax placemarks, show all/hide all buttons in placemark group list and other features

Hi I've added new features - for placemarks, which loaded by ajax request now you can set buffer size to load its by series - for placemark group list there are 2 buttons (Show All/Hide All), which you can enable in "Placemark Group" block in map details - for infowin you can disable AutoPan when it displayed - in map details there is a field "Disable AutoPan" And now I fixed a translation - some time ago if you haven't translated sentenced - it displayed untranslated. But now I noticed, that it shows the tag, it is inconvenient, therefore now I manual fix this thing, and you can see untranslated text again.
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Zh GoogleMap component, ACL for frontend filter, new category list for admin and etc

Hi. I've added a few featured 1 - for frontend in map details you can set new value for Placemark Filter = use ACL, in this case placemarks is displayed by user ACL view access 2 - in component options there is a new option - Category list, it it used for admin panel - selecting category value --- Default - like as was, like in other extensions - hierarchy --- Simple list - simple list ordered by alphabet 3 - In Map menu item (component call) there is a new parameter - Placemark Filter, by it you can override map settings for Placemark Filter map settings Best wishes Dmitry
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Zh GoogleMap component – new menu item parameter, ajax featues support and more code revision

Hi I continue code revision, and move more common code into my js-files. in this release - now placemark group management by group list is supported for dynamic loaded placemarks - added new parameter into component call (menu item) - "Placemark Filter" - now you can override default map settings PS admin ACL for j!2.5 I'll fix in next release Cheers, Dmitry
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