Zh GoogleMap and K2 integration, questions

Hi. Today I've installed K2 on development site. And I had a question: on last week there was a question about integration K2 with my component. I've created an item and include Zh GoogleMap plugin call. And map is displaying. This is link http://www.dodge-caliber.ru/index.php/menu-albums/menu-albums-other Now question: how integration you need with K2, or it is OK and there is no need to improve in this case. PS: I'm not know enough about K2, but try to very quickly understand what you want :) Best wishes, Dmitry
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Zh YandexMap, component and plugin – compatibility mode for resource file

Всем привет. Вернулся к Яндекс.Картам. В компонент и плагин добавлена поддержка режима совместимости для файлов ресурсов. Это вот для чего: если у вас закрыт доступ к папке administrator, то при попытке доступа появляется окно логина. Включаете режим совместимости и обращение идет к site папке. Подробнее: http://zhuk.cc/wiki/index.php/Zh_YandexMap_Description/ru#CompatibilityModeRSFAnchor
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Zh GoogleMap component and plugin, new features, translation, compatibility mode for restricted access

Hi. There are new releases! Changes * improve language translation depend on map language field * add frontend and backend translation on Dutch * add component option to set compatibility mode for restricted access to administrator folder * in admin for placemark details add "find" button for finding place and set lag|lng by geocoding text address (not only by autocomplete field) * and as for plugin: it also supported geolocation button !!!!! Map language field you have to set by full language tag: ru-RU, en-GB and etc. !!!!! Many thanks to Hunter for translation to Dutch. I think you do just frontend. But you are a hero :) (for translation backend too). And whole for one day! Now if you have blocked adminintrator folder from access - just set in…
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Zh GoogleMap component, use google infographics, language and new version of clusterer

Hi. New features added to component: Changes (2.6.9 - 2.7.1) * added language field to set displaying map objects (streets...) in definite language * geolocation button when drawing route on map is active mark your location as start point and draw route to your place * add support Google Infographics (Dynamic Icons) for placemark * change version of MarkerClustererPlus to 2.0.7 ------------- 1 - Go to map and define language, for example, ru And you get map in Russian. You can use this if you don't want that map is displayed by browser settings, for example, with multilanguage support on site. 2 - If you use draw route to your place feature, now if you press geolocation button, there is detecting your location and this point will be as a…
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Zh GoogleMap component, added geolocation when display map and geolocation button

Hi. Today I come back from New Year holiday break, and there is a new release of component ;) New features (new slider in map details Geolocation): * you can set automatic geolocation and center map when map is loading (field Auto Positioning) * you can add button on map to use geolocation in any time (field Geolocation Control) * for this button you can set style (field Geolocation Button Style (Icon, Text, Icon and Text)) * and in slider Control Positions you can set position of button (field Geolocation Control)
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Happy New Year :)

Extensions, Общее
Hi. Happy New Year! I wish the fulfillment of all wishes, love and happiness. PS for my components users: I've install Joomla! Version 2.5.0_Beta 1 on development site, and all works without noticeable warnings and errors. ------------------------------------------------ Всем привет. Поздравляю с наступающим Новым Годом! Желаю исполнения всех желаний, любви и счастья. PS для тех, кто пользуется моими компонентами: на тестовый сайт установил Joomla! Version 2.5.0_Beta 1, и все работает без замечаний, предупреждений и ошибок.
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Zh GoogleMap component, use user profile information in placemark

Hi. New feature: you can use information from user profile in placemark Go to map details. In 'Integration' slider set on 'Use users' Go to placemark detail, in 'Integration' slider select user and type of view (like as in contacts use) The 'Name' of user, and 'Address1', and 'Phone' fields from profile will be displayed (if filled) And in placemark list you can see new filter by user.
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Zh GoogleMap component, bugfix for paths

Hi. Fixed bug - you can't create path, because you've got the error: Elevation is required field. Sorry, it's my mistake. This field from future release, but I've correct component to change the other feature but forget "switch off" this function. Now field is diplayed, but not works.
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