Zh GoogleMap component, placemark list feature

Hi. I've added new feature: In map details there is a new slider "Placemark List" You can define size of placemark list, its position, action by click, style, background color. Position: * left and right = table creation * list-map and map-list = divs creation, you can apply your styles * external = create in any place < ul id="GMapsMarkerUL" style="list-style-type: none;">< /ul > with your styles and list will be there :) I've added spaces to escape template not proceed code-tag or pre-tag. In documentation it will be OK. Style: * simple * advanced * external There are 2 predefined styles (simple, advanced), which loaded by css-file. Depend on style the ul-tag IDs and style names is changed See demo http://joomla.zhuk.cc/index.php/zhgooglemap-demo-placemark-list PS if you use placemark management by group…
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Zh YandexMap component, find button and geolocation

Да, внес еще изменение Теперь если строите маршрут до места, кнопка найти называется по-другому - Построить маршрут. Еще добавил, если нажимаете кнопку получения текущего местоположения, то если включено построение маршрута - оно становится отправной точкой
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Zh YandexMap component, geolocation button, autopositioning

Всем привет. В компонент добавил - кнопку автоматического определения местоположения (либо в тулбаре, либо под или над картой). - признак автоматического определения местоположения и центрировании при открытии карты Это сделано - дополнительный слайдер в подробностях карты (Geolocation), и дополнительное поле-список в местоположении элементов (это когда контрол в виде кнопки (под или над картой)) Пример кнопки http://joomla.zhuk.cc/index.php/zhyandexmap-demo-feature-find В тулбаре правее линейки
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Zh GoogleMap, are you wanna have new features?

Hi. I take a pause in Zh GoogleMap development (about 1-2 weeks). If you want me implement new features, please post requests - new frontend language - if you want to have custom map controls and messages in front end level - post me or mail me, and I'll explain how to translate about 40 senences to do that - integration with others maps - post me there or mail me - integration with other components (sobi2, joomsocial... etc) - post me there or mail me And I'll rearrange my improvement plans. Dmitry
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Zh GoogleMap component, new icons, infobubble support

Hi. New features is in component :) :) Changes (2.8.12 - 2.9.2) * new cute icons packed as predefined (about 1100) under CC BY SA 3.0 license. Therefore archive add 1.2M. But I think it doesn't matter, because a very attractive icons, and you can get new styles from Nicolas' site * new placemark group management list type - groups list can consist from only icons * placemark can show InfoBubble (as infowin) PS - InfoBubble styles would be in next release As for group management list type: radiogroup is changed to list with addition value As for placemark can show InfoBubble (as infowin) - New sliders in placemark details. Enter Title (as you wish), HTML text. And set ActionByClick to Open InfoBubble If you enter HTML text - then…
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Icon source site :)

Hi. Yesterday I've got into this site http://mapicons.nicolasmollet.com/ The very attractive icons, if you want to personalize or add some attraction to your placemarks. Would your like that I've include some package of icons into component|plugin? On this site you can customize the colors of icons :) for your site colors
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