Zh BaiduMap component and plugin is posted to JED

Hi I posted first version (light) to JED, and now it is in validation queue 6 April 2013 - component is posted, now "There are a total of 169 extensions to go through before we review your extension for approval" 15 April 2013 - plugin is posted, now " There are a total of 256 extensions to go through before we review your extension for approval." PS module is not extremely needed at the first time, but I'll do it in 2 weeks later. Cheers, Dmitry
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Zh BaiduMap component, I have a questions

Hi there I'm on middle of the way to do first release of my new component - Zh BaiduMap, it is for Chinese map JavaScript API. And have a little questions. I can do release, for example with restricted features at first - it will be just a little bit later - without Routes - (Travel, Transit, Walk and etc) - without drawing tool for paths - without KML support (I didn't find the examples yet) - without custom map types - without placemark list - without placemark entering from front end Now it is: - map, with controls and customizable positions - placemarks (defined by lat/lng and text address) with its custom icons - paths (polylines, polygons, circles) - geolocation (in admin and in frontend button) - marker clusterer…
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Zh GoogleMap, demo for KML management by Group List

Hi. I found a little time to create new demo - managing KML Layers by Group List http://joomla.zhuk.cc/index.php/zhgooglemap-demo-feature-managebygroup-kml It is simple, like a placemark management: - create your placemark groups - assign this groups to paths with KML layers - enable in map details management by placemark group list ("Placemark Group Control") - enable in map details "Manage Paths"
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