Zh GoogleMap component, new icons, infobubble support

Hi. New features is in component :) :) Changes (2.8.12 - 2.9.2) * new cute icons packed as predefined (about 1100) under CC BY SA 3.0 license. Therefore archive add 1.2M. But I think it doesn't matter, because a very attractive icons, and you can get new styles from Nicolas' site * new placemark group management list type - groups list can consist from only icons * placemark can show InfoBubble (as infowin) PS - InfoBubble styles would be in next release As for group management list type: radiogroup is changed to list with addition value As for placemark can show InfoBubble (as infowin) - New sliders in placemark details. Enter Title (as you wish), HTML text. And set ActionByClick to Open InfoBubble If you enter HTML text - then…
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Zh YandexMap plugin, fix bug with placemark call

Всем привет. В плагине исправлена ошибка: если вы вызывали карту по ид. метки, то если на карте был установлен признак интеграции с контактами, то карта показывалась без метки, ну и соответственно. не центрировалась и т.д. и т.п.
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