Zh GoogleMap, you can select TravelMode in find and autocomplete features, and set what info will be in InfoWin

Hi. New features: - you can select TravelMode if you set "Draw route from search point to place" or "Show direction (Places Library)". I.e. if you set to show route to place throught find control or by autocomplete field, you can select travel mode from drop down list - you can set what info will be displayed in infoWin, Title, Title and Description, Description, None. Before that I show Title and Description (if filled). And as title are required, you can always get title in infowin. Today you can control this. Go to placemark detail page and set InfoWin Content field PS. In future release I plan: case you activate places with autocomplete field and find control - today: you have 2 fields with the same functionality (find place and…
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