Zh BaiduMap component, I have a questions

Hi there I'm on middle of the way to do first release of my new component - Zh BaiduMap, it is for Chinese map JavaScript API. And have a little questions. I can do release, for example with restricted features at first - it will be just a little bit later - without Routes - (Travel, Transit, Walk and etc) - without drawing tool for paths - without KML support (I didn't find the examples yet) - without custom map types - without placemark list - without placemark entering from front end Now it is: - map, with controls and customizable positions - placemarks (defined by lat/lng and text address) with its custom icons - paths (polylines, polygons, circles) - geolocation (in admin and in frontend button) - marker clusterer…
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Forum crashed and rollbacked to aug’12

Hi. I'm so sorry. I played with upgrades, and crashed down my forum. For some reasons I can't rollback to march 2013 savepoint :( - It is my new lesson to study. I rollback to previous stage - when I move hosting (it is completed sql backup). I'm sorry, but if you wish - you can register on forum again :) Best wishes, Dmitry
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