Zh YandexMap, filter description

Всем привет. После внесения изменения в компонент, действуют следующие правила при фильтрации меток PlacemarkFilter Ограничение, которое было - когда разрешен ввод и когда залогинишься видеть только свое будет сделано позже, как еще дополнительное значение в списке фильтра
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Zh YandexMap component and plugin, changed filter settings, action and zoom by click on placemark features

Всем привет. Наконец переделал ввод меток со стороны пользователя. Теперь фильтр меток работает чуть-чуть по-другому. * показывать все метки - выводятся все опубликованные метки * показыватьтолько пользовательские - ограничение по пользователю для опубликованного При включенном режиме ввода меток - статус для метки пользователя игнорируется. Завтра в документацию выложу таблицу органичения выборки меток Добавлены новые поля: * на метке можно теперь определить что делать в случае клика на ней (action by click) * и изменять ли масштаб при нажатии на метке (zoom by click)
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Zh GoogleMap component and plugin, Street Veiw feature

Hi. In component added: * Street View (top or bottom) for map center position * Street View feature enabled in map details in Advanced Options slider * You can show Street View on placemark position (New value for Action By Click field in placemark details) * Added Min Zoom and Max Zoom for map to restrict Zoom changing (in map details) * Added Draggable property in map details to disable/enable ability to drag map * added Danish (Denmark) translation for FrontEnd * new icons: - mapiconscollection-offices-townhouse - mapiconscollection-transportation-oil-2 - mapiconscollection-nature-water-temperature * fix bug: placemarks was draggable (it can be draggable only for user placemarks entering feature) * fix bug: not displaying icons for contact after move to J2.5.2 Plugin supports all new features. To see Street View you can in…
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Zh GoogleMap, component and plugin, bugfix and new feature

Hi There are changes * fix warning message which can appear in you upgraded Joomla! to 2.5.2 * you can define what contact fields to show in infowin (when contact integration is enabled) - I'll add description in docs today later. * added Danish (Denmark) translation As for contact: There is new field Contact Details in map details page on Integration slider. You can enter names of attributes to show. Separator is ; Acceptable values name position address city suburb state province country postcode zipcode phone mobile fax You can enter it in any order, and by it there will be shown. Note: postcode and zipcode - it is the same, but different labels will be. The same with City or Suburb, State or Province, Postal / ZIP Code
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Zh GoogleMap component and plugin, support GoogleMaps v3 API Key

Hi. Changes (2.9.20 - 2.9.21) * added Google Maps API Key support, ie if you want to use your Maps API key for monitoring or billing for over quotas Get Google Maps API Key, go to component options. Enter into field: Google Maps API Key PS: I've added this new extension parameter. I separate this key from Earth key. They play with need, not need key. Googles docs is not quickly refreshed, for example, in English I've got one version of pages, in Russian - the other. My old API Key, which I've got for Earth don't want to work in Maps API, therefore I create addition parameter. As for Google Earth - they write about there is no need key, but in integration of map and earth I can't…
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