Zh GoogleMap component, your site users can create placemarks

Hi. I've added some features: Changes (2.9.17 - 2.9.19) * you can enter placemarks from FrontEnd (additional fields in Advanced Options slider of map) * change marker clusterer vaerion to 2.0.9 * add 3 new predefined icons: - mapiconscollection-sports-field_target - mapiconscollection-industry-gas_cylinder1 - mapiconscollection-industry-gas_cylinder2 * image URL fields for placemark support Media Manager (on placemark details page) - URL Image - URL Image Thumbnail * refreshed code for compatibility mode for resource files PS: for details about enabling feature "users placemarks" - I'll create tutorial in 1-2 days It a few words: * Placemark Filter - enable filtering placemarks by user * Allow to user enter placemarks - enable users to enter placemarks * New Placemark State - status of created placemark * New Contact State - status of created contact…
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