Zh OpenStreetMap, new feature for paths

Hi. Added ability to show static text for paths (in the center of it) for lines, polygons and circles. Added new tab "Label" where you can enter information (label content) to display, apply your CSS class name and style. For style you just enter it without "style" clause, for example width:100px; For placemarks with labels I added ability to enter style too.
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Zh OpenStreetMap, little features for internal KML/GPX parser

Hi. Added ability to show name and description in popups for paths and placemarks created from file. Added common popup class and personal class for path object. Use CSS to format your title and description in this case. Here example for path popup. For placemaks it is like the this. The second feature - you can override placemark icon for placemarks which is created from file. Just assign group to your path with KML/GPX file (with internal parser), and enable in its options Override placemarks. After that set icon you need in group properties and enable override icon.
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Zh OpenStreetMap, new feature – article overview map

Hi. - switched to use fields (mapid, groupid, overrideid) instead of select clause - moved code (for reuse) placemark and path creation - in lists (maps, groups, overrides) a category now is displayed (if defined) - new feature: article overview map module - fixed: powered by Logo(link) - fixed: wrong popup content for k2 overview map if enabled for map ajax loading popup content As for article overview map - in documentation today evening I'll add example to use and update this post (to add link to docs). Now you have ability to create overview map of articles. Update: here link to documentation https://wiki.zhuk.cc/index.php/Zh_OpenStreetMap_Article_Overview_Map
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Zh OpenStreetMap, visualization – new features and parameters

Hi. In Visualization section now created Server section, where you can configure your external server. As for "Driver" field, for MySQL you can use mysql or mysqli values, for ms sql server use mssql Now you can set for first and last point of your data markers. It can be done in "Structure" part. There is "Line" tab with two blocks for markers. If field "Marker" set to "No" - marker is not displayed. If you not enter "Title" or "Description" - the values will be taken from path properties. You can manage what information will be in popup and what action by click on marker - it is paths properties. Also path properties - "site url" and "site name" you can use too. Addition HTML text (as it done…
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Zh OpenStreetMap, new feature – visualization

Hi. Added some improements and features - map override - published state now is processed - visualization - sql data sources - structures - paths and placemarks body creation moved to separate files Now you can create SQL data source, describe its structure and use it in visualization (display paths based on this SQL clauses) Here examples for visualization which explains how to do it ;)
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Zh OpenStreetMap feature to correct refresh map size when display on tabs

Hi. In some cases you want to display maps on tabs. And if you show in on inactive tab and when click on it, you can get map with incorrect map size. The other case - when you show it on first tab (correctly) but change to the other tab and change browser window (for example maximize). In this case you can also get wrong size. Look at result image To fix it. Just create Override On Map tab enter your tab selector (ID or class). Select Invalidate Type One time - the container will be invalidated only on first time when you display map (show tab with map)Always - the container will be invalidated each time you display map (show tab with map) Case Always you can use in…
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Zh OpenStreetMap, K2 overview map can correctly clear map for AJAX filter

Hi. In K2 overview map you can set clear map by reset buttons when use AJAX requests for filter data. Here example, how configure K2 overview module and where you can get name and classes Form div you can find You need form div to correct find buttons, because on page you can have a few buttons with the same name. In my case I have div ID, and use it for access To find buttons In my case I have only classes (submit and reset), and I use it for access
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Zh OpenStreetMap new features – import placemarks

Hi. I added import placemarks from CSV file (like it is done in Zh GoogleMap), check its documentation (for OSM I hope I'll write it next month) https://wiki.zhuk.cc/index.php/Zh_GoogleMap_Description#Import_CSV I change view for Import from Zh YandexMap and Import from Zh GoogleMap from popups to native joolma style Fixed a few bugs (undefinite php variables). Fixed bug from last release for case - placemarks has different groups and enabled clusterization (it were not displayed in some cases)
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