Zh YandexMap, little bugfix for override placemark list icons

Всем привет. Небольшое исправление для списка меток - если указано переопределение иконки метки на группе - то в списке меток при выбранном отображении иконки она не переопределялась. Т.е. если в списке меток выводится иконка, то при переопределении ее на группе (и указании об этом в настройках), иконка на метке изменялась, а в списке - нет
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Zh GoogleMap component – new features and little bugfix

Hi I've added new feature in component - hover text for placemarks - in map details there are 2 field --- Show placemark hover text --- InfoBubble Style - in placemark details there is a new field --- Hover HTML text If you enable feature, and for placemark will be entered hover text - it will be shown as an infowin or as an infobubble. And you can apply your own infobubble style. If in map details the field "Loading content data dynamically" enabled, then hover text will be loaded dynamically too. And little bug in admin panel is fixed - when you change icon name for placemark, the was no immediate change icon image Cheers, Dmitry PS it is the last release before my vacation.
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Zh GoogleMap component (only for J!2.5) – new features and query optimizations

Hi there. I've done new release only for J2.5 component with new featueres. By the Monday I'll add this features in J!3 component. Whats new: - I added rating system for placemarks - I added indexes for all my tables, in this case I think database queries will be more quickly executed. PS: module and plugin will be support rating system only after my holiday break, I'll do that in July. Cheers, Dmitry
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Zh GoogleMap, new features and bugfixes

Hi. In new releases * and fixed some little bugs and improvements * bugfix - ajax loading (mootools) infowin content * added jquery ajax loading infowin content I've added new values for field "Loading content data dynamically" - MooTools - it was, but label was Yes - jQuery Now you can select what way to use for infowin content loading. I'm not change all to jQuery, because you can use template without loaded it. On the other hand, you can enable load it by jQuery if you disabled mootools. I've published release with a little part of future feature - rating system for your placemarks. Now you can only see this information, but you can't change rating yet. Wait for new release with this feature. Cheers, Dmitry
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Zh GoogleMap, bugfix for placemark list and new features for component

Hi. I've fixed bug for placemark list - when you set on placemark group override placemark icon - the group icon not appear in placemark list (instead placemark icon). Added ordering feature for placemarks and for placemark groups For contact assignment and user assignment there is a new setting way. Added new sentences translation, which was not translated before. PS: for component for j!3.x version the new features will be a little bit later: - ordering for placemarks - contact selecting
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Zh GoogleMap component (only for J!2.5) – ordering field, sorting

Hi. I did temporary little release for component under j2.5 - added in admin panel sort abilily in object lists - for placemarks and for groups added ordering fields, now it orders in category. In future I think I'll add this field to control show placemarks in lists, and control groups in lists. Mat be add addition sort field, because this one do sorting in category. And now there is still ordering independent from category. Ordering feature will be added into J3 version in 1-2 days, and after that I'll do release in JED.
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