Zh OpenStreetMap, new features


Added new features:

– added last version of leaflet library
– show placemark tags in popup
– manage close or not opened placemark popup when click on map
– manage disable popup autopan
– fixed “action by click” for ajax loading popup content (in cases action by click => Contact, Article or Details)

4 thoughts on “Zh OpenStreetMap, new features

    • Dima

      It is due to tabs. Hidden tabs have the other initial size.
      And map occupy this size. When you click on tab to show – it size dynamically changed, but map doesn’t get refresh (resize) event.
      When you resize browser with opened map – map get refresh (resize) event and refreshed correctly.

      I can add feature, for example you enter div id (or class) and when it change it state, do refresh map.

      But I need to have test case. How do you create tabs and publish map?

  • Hi,
    I was afraid so, since I tried pretty much everything else.
    That would be so cool to have it working.

    I create a map and a module for that map,
    In SP Pagebuilder I implement that module into the tab

    I created a little test eviroment for you.
    let me know if you need anything else?
    Thanks heaps!!!
    Best regards

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