Zh OpenStreetMap, you can fix map size when you publish map on tabs

Hi. I did easy way to fix incorrect map size when you display map on tab, for example on not active tab. Here example. You create tabs, and publish map on the second tab when you click on second tab to show map, you'll get wrong map You can see not all tiles, and it doesn't refresh correctly when you draggin map. Now how fix it. Create Map Override. On Map tab enter container selector in jQuery notation, where map div is located, ie tab div which displayed/hidden when you click on tabs. Assign this override to map, go to map details, in advanced options there is a list of available overrides. And you'll see you map like
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Zh OpenStreetMap, new features

Hi. Added new features: - added last version of leaflet library - show placemark tags in popup - manage close or not opened placemark popup when click on map - manage disable popup autopan - fixed "action by click" for ajax loading popup content (in cases action by click => Contact, Article or Details)
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Zh OpenStreetMap k2 overview map – added new feature

Hi. I added ability to manage how open link with k2 item - on new page or on the same. It is plugin k2 overview map option And now if map has option "Place clustered placemarks on a spiral" and enabled clusterization, then if option is "Yes" - then on max enabled zoom and still clustered placemarks - it is shown on spiral when click on cluster, click on marker - open popupif option is "Title list" - then you can see list above the map, and when click on it - open details for k2 item
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Zh OpenStreetMap, new features

Hi. I added a few features by request ;) 1 - now hover color and hover fill color can be applied to KML or GPX (Paths) files. If you have polygon shape and want to fill it when hover it, you have to select path type correctly (fill color can not be applied for line) 2 - hover popup (if you enable hover popup feature) can be used for KML or GPX (Paths) files 3 - action by click can be used for KML or GPX (Paths) files 4 - suppress popup for KML works as it was, but in case you want to show your popup - just disable it and set action by click to open popup 5 - in map details field " Place clustered placemarks on…
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