I added to module support external link to placemark.
After that you can use special function to center and or click on placemark, and change zoom by this action
Example #1
<a href=”#” onclick=”javascript:PlacemarkByIDShow(682, ‘center,click’); return false;”>Show placemark on map</a>
This code will create link to placemark with ID=682. And will do center on this placemark and click on it
Example #2
<a href=”#” onclick=”javascript:PlacemarkByIDShow(48, ‘click’, 10); return false;”>Show placemark on map</a>
In this case link to placemark with ID=48. And you click on this placemark and change zoom to 10
Can you add search box for searching placemarks if there are lot of place marks in one map?
I’m thinking of it. I’ll do this.
Like, I will donate for this excellent work!
Hi I have updated the component and the module but I cannot see the “Enable support external link to placemark” listed here.
The versions on http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension/extension-specific/extensions-specific-non-sorted/zh-googlemap-mod
are for the mod and the com.
Are these the latest versions? is there another download site?
Thakns for a great extension!
Is sh404SEF supported by ZH Google Map – or are there any other way to obtain SEF url’s? Thanks.
What URLs do you want to get. I don’t create any URL (just only use direct URLs to icons)
On the main map I have this URL that I was hoping sh404SEF would turn into a SEF url but itr did not;
Is it possible to remove “ZH” from Google map?
Yes. Look at my docs.
Thanks. As soon as I go online and I remove the ZH then the donate goes through as well. Thanks again.
Hi, can we expect that you will add search form soon on your extra work component, ?!
I can pay for this or I will donate for sure, thx !
I’ll do it as I can find free time. A few months I’m very busy.