Zh GoogleMap component, use google infographics, language and new version of clusterer
Hi. New features added to component: Changes (2.6.9 - 2.7.1) * added language field to set displaying map objects (streets...) in definite language * geolocation button when drawing route on map is active mark your location as start point and draw route to your place * add support Google Infographics (Dynamic Icons) for placemark * change version of MarkerClustererPlus to 2.0.7 ------------- 1 - Go to map and define language, for example, ru And you get map in Russian. You can use this if you don't want that map is displayed by browser settings, for example, with multilanguage support on site. 2 - If you use draw route to your place feature, now if you press geolocation button, there is detecting your location and this point will be as a…