Zh GoogleMap plugin, new features for lightbox

Hi there ;) As you know, I added parameters to component (zoom, MapCenterPlacemarkId, MapCenterPlacemarkAction) - ie if you call component (create a menu item), there are 3 parameters - new map zoom, placemark id for new map center, and action for this placemark (you can highlight it by set animation (bounce), change icon (define new icon name), and execute 'click' on this placemark to execute predefined action for this placemark. Now, plugin supports this features Check my docs http://wiki.zhuk.cc/index.php?title=Zh_GoogleMap_Plugin#Show_Map_in_Lightbox This is full call {zhgooglemap-lightbox:MMM;Title;Width;Height;Image;PlacemarkList;Zoom;Center;Action} The last 3 parameters - it is new one
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Zh GoogleMap, bugfixes and new featues

Hi. I've fixed some bugn: * plugin not show route panel when there is no any placemark on map * all extensions not correct show placemark for elevation profile - it very quickly hides - I created at first without hide when moveout from profile, but after that add. And today it started hiding when you move a little from diagram line (I think there was some changes in visualization library, because I was listening mouseout from div of diagram, and now it is work different). Now I changed listening event (listening chart event, not div) and it is more convenient. AND! I've added into component properties (when you create menu item) a few fields: * Zoom - it overrides the Zoom value of the map * Placemark for map…
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Zh GoogleMap component, added new icons

When developed drawing elevation diagrams, I added ability to show current position on path for selected elevation profile value. And for this reason I added new icons, which names started from gm# The gm#simple-... group of icons show simple icon like in Google Maps, for definite color (... - color) The gm#dot-... group of icons show simple icon with dot like in Google Maps, for definite color (... - color). And the gm#cluster-... group of icons from clusterer, because there are many people ask about how change cluster icon and use the different cluster icon but clusters.
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Zh GoogleMap component, new features for elevation

Hi. Changes 3.1.10: * elevation profile can be displayed for KML layer, and you can set count of samples, which will be used from KML file * you can set different type of profile (Area Chart, Line Chart, Column Chart) * when you click on profile you'll see infowin which will show corresponding place for this level * when you move mouse over elevation graph, you'll see placemark, which point to current elevation place * you can select icon for marker, which show current elevation place * you can set baseline for elevation values Check demo http://joomla.zhuk.cc/index.php/zhgooglemap-demo-feature-elevation
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Zh GoogleMap, new features

Hi. I've added new features: In component, module and plugin added ability to show elevation diagram http://joomla.zhuk.cc/index.php/zhgooglemap-demo-feature-elevation It is first implementation, and shows the last displayed paths. In future I'll add ability to show diagram by clicking on path In module and plugin changed paths displaying code, now it is the same as in component, and shows circles too. In plugin for call by placemark, by group and by category added ability to modify placemark animation and placemark icon - it is for action parameter. The additional values (which can be separated by comma): bounce - set BOUNCE animation the_text_which_is_icon_title - new icon name Check documentation
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